Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday, October 20

Day 2

Turbulent -   adj.     causing or being in a state of unrest, violence, or
Syn:  rough, violent, fierce
Ant:  calm, settled

The turbulent bus ride on the field trip made me sick.

Tornadoes – pg. 11-20 What is the scale that ranks tornadoes according to their wind speed?
Ellis Island – pg. 31-54 When would you be deported?  (name 2)
Shackleton – Chapter 3   What was the first sound of civilization that the men heard for seventeen months?
1. Site Map
2. My link
3. Main Idea Framework-Main Idea , 3 topics , and three supporting details
4. What was the most interesting fact you learned in today’s reading?

Tuesday, October 21

Day 3

Detain - v. to prevent from proceeding
                Syn:  hold up, restrain                             Ant:  release, free

The class was detained inside during recess because they chose not to do their homework.

Tornadoes – pg. 21-30 Name one thing you hear or see just before a tornado arrives?
Ellis island – pg. 55-80 Name a PERSON who has contributed to America and what have they contributed?
Shackleton – pg. Ch 4 What was the name of the ship that rescued the men?
1.  Site Map
2.  Main Idea Framework- Main Idea , 3 topics , and three supporting details
3.  Name one thing the author wants you to know about what you read today.

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