Friday, October 3, 2014

Today we watched our fellow 5th graders in Annie!  You did an outstanding job girls and boys!!! Way to go!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Performance Task Test today

Tomorrow is Skill Knowledge and Vocabulary tests

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 10


collapse -                v.  to fall abruptly  (pg. 99)
                                                Syn:  fall                                 Ant:  arise

Since Jed and Joel didn’t set up the tent properly, it collapsed on them as they slept.

Assignment due Thursday
1. Draw a gileon fruit basket of the whole book that you read first (10 traits)
2. Draw a Flow chart on the whole book you read first (7 boxes)
3. Rewrite the following paragraph in either 1st or 3rd person
      Out of Darkness – pg. 17 “louis’s mother and father…” first person 
      Orphan Train Rider – pg. 27-28 “He recalls how excited he felt…” and “Then he heard someone…”
      Small Steps – pg. 24-25 “I said nothing…” and “this move was bad news…”

Performance Task Test on Wednesday
Skill Knowledge and Vocabulary test Thursday

Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 9

paralyze -                v.  to make powerless and unable to act, function, or move (pg. 71)
                                                Syn:   cripple                                    Ant:   movement
                                                Other forms:   paralysis

John was in a wheelchair because his legs were paralyzed.


Orphan – pg. 46-59
Out of darkness – pg. 49-64
Small steps – pg. 150-166
1. SPECS log
2. Site map with perspective bubbles
3. flow chart (4 boxes)
4. Chips and salsa 2 on main character (3 of each) (4 traits) 

Mrs. Cox's and Mrs. Burton's  tests will be:
Wednesday - October 1  Performance Task
Thursday - October 2  Skill Knowledge and Vocabulary

Skill Knowledge - the visual tool you will have to memorize is the Flow Chart (Multi-Flow)

Mrs. Cox's and Mrs. Burton's book report is due tomorrow!!!!!!!!!