Please Note.....
The book report due date has been moved from Friday, May 8 to Friday, May 6 due to grades being due earlier than expected.
Today in class:
Write a three paragraph essay about you and springtime. Use Reference 103 (pg. 167 - one supporting sentence) to guide you as you write. Your paragraph should include:
pre-writing map
title at the top-centered, your name under it, neat handwriting, wide margins, written in black ink
correct number of paragraphs and sentences
a vocabulary word from this F&F unit - circle in red
a word that is a homonym - circle in green
any Wordly Wise word - circle in blue
a complex sentence - underline in red
a compound sentence - underline in blue
correct capitalization throughout
correct punctuation throughout
Staple in this order: direction page on top, essay in the middle, prewriting map on bottom