Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 4 - Unit Character

Write vocabulary word, sentence, and draw a picture of the following word in the vocab section of your SPECS log

Permeatev.      To spread or flow throughout
        As it rained, the water permeated throughout the cracks

            in the ground. 

Day 4
# stars – pg. 33-43
Mr. T – pg. 44-58
SofG – pg. 40-52
#the Stars – who does ellen pretend to be and where does she go when her parents have to hide?
Mr. T. – what are the stakes for the fight that Mr. Grimes tells francis to fight?
SofG – What did Mrs. Jenkins send with Will and Meg when they brought her a rabbit?
1. Site map with perspective bubbles
2. Author chat
3. Chips and Salsa #2
4. Look out for Figurative language

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Unit - Character
Day 3

Vocabulary word - write in your vocabulary section.  Be sure to draw a picture

Haughty –    adj.     snobby; arrogant
          The little boy pulled the haughty little girl’s hair.

                                    Syn:   conceited                Ant:    humble


Day 3
# stars – pg. 22-32
Mr. T – pg. 29-43
SofG – pg. 27-39
# stars – What kind of shoes did Kirsti get and what did she do with them?
Mr. T. – What happened to Mr. Grimes’s arm?
SofG – Uncle tells Will to check the traps by himself.  What happens?
1. Site Map with perspective bubbles
2. How does one character’s actions influence another character? (3 sent)
3. Make a chips and salsa 2 on a character

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 2

In your SPECS log complete the vocabulary box:

Defiant -         adj.    boldly resisting; challenging
The defiant child has not done his Math homework all year.
Syn.  Rebellious                   Ant.  Obedient

Day 2
# Stars – pg. 11-21
Mr. t – pg. 14-28
Sofg – pg. 14-26
1.# stars – Who was peter?
2.Mr. t. – what did francis see braid with and whose was it?
3.S of g – what happened to will  when he went with his uncle trapping after uncle left?
1.Site map with perspective bubbles
2.My link
3.Make a chips and salsa #2

4.Figurative language (if any) in the My link

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We began Day 1 in the character unit today.  The student will fill in vocabulary box with the word, definition, original meaning-rich sentence, and picture.


Skirted –        v.         To go around something
                                    The cat skirted around the tree looking for the squirrel.

Day 1
#Stars– pg. 1-10
Mr. T – pg. 1-13
SofG  - pg. 1-13
Look Ahead Words
Stars – Nazis  Write pg.#
Mr. T. – Conestoga wagon      and what you
Shades - Yankees   think the word means
1.Site Map with perspective bubbles (all 6)
2.     Make a chips and salsa 2 on the main character (2 traits ; 3 descriptions in each box)
3.           As you read your book, look for at least one figurative language and write it on the lines for that day

Monday, August 18, 2014

We are beginning the new unit Character today.  Please make sure you get all handouts that need to go in your green folder.  These handouts will be on your test in the next few weeks so be sure you keep up with them.