Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 6

Envelop -     v.         to surround and enclose completely
                      Syn:  engulf, surround

                        Smoke enveloped the burning house.

Penguin – pg. 33-48 When will the penguins leave the island?
Lightning – pg. 36-47 What should you do in a thunderstorm if you can’t find shelter?
Civil War – pg. 21-31 What made reproducing images faster during the Spanish American War?
1. Site Map
2. Main Idea Framework -Main Idea , 3 topics , and three supporting details
3. Write the pattern statement, process questions and draw the visual tool
4. What was a favorite fact you learned?

Thursday, October 30 - Performance Task Test
Friday, October 31 - Skill Knowledge and Vocabulary Tests

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