Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 3

linger-     v.   to be slow to leave or act (pg. 20)
                        Syn:   loiter, delay               Ant:  rush, hurry                  

We lingered around the house until our friend came to pick us up.     

Orphan – pg. 33-45
Out of darkness – pg. 33-48
Small steps – pg. 43-59
1.Site map with perspective bubbles
2.Write the pattern statement and draw the venn diagram
3.Make a flow chart (4 boxes)
4.My Link
Orphan – Which children were not taken on the orphan train because it was too difficult to place them in homes?
Darkness – What special school event renewed Louis’s courage?  How?
SS – Describe in detail the Sister Kenny Treatments

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I forgot the blog yesterday!  I am so sorry!  You will find Day 1 and 2 below.

Day 1

hoist  - v.  to raise or become raised into position especially by mechanical means (pg. 6)
Syn:   raise, lift Ant:  lower, descend

The flagpole was hoisted into position using a crane.


Orphan – pg. 9-20
Out of darkness – pg. 1-16
Small steps – pg. 9-25
Site map with perspective bubbles
Write the pattern statement and first 3 process questions
Make a flow chart for sequence of events for first person or third person (3 boxes each person)
Which point of view is your story written? 1st, 3rd omniscient, 3rd limited
Orphan – What did Lee think about adults and why did he think this way?
SS - What did they first think was wrong with Peg and why? And what was the final diagnosis in the hospital?
Darkness – How did Louis become blind in both eyes?  

Day 2

excursion - n.  a short trip someplace, usually for a special purpose (pg. 11)
Syn:   journey, trip

It was a lovely summer day, so the family decided to take an excursion to the beach.


Orphan – pg. 21-32
Out of Darkness – pg. 17-32
Small Steps – pg. 26-42
Site map with perspective bubbles
Write the pattern statement and last 2 process questions 
Flow chart(4 boxes each)
Give an example of why this book is 1st, 3rd omniscient, 3rd limited
Orphan – What did Lee’s father give him just before  the train left?  How did this make him feel and why?
Darkness – Describe the special “gift” that Louis had and how he felt when he used this special “gift”.
SS – What is an iron lung.  Be specific.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today we started a new unit - Point of View
We will begin reading in our new books tomorrow.  This skill will last about 10 days.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Today we finished intellectual art and movies for the unit Character.

Tomorrow we will begin our new unit - Point of View
Please make every effort to be here for this first day of our new skill.