Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 10


collapse -                v.  to fall abruptly  (pg. 99)
                                                Syn:  fall                                 Ant:  arise

Since Jed and Joel didn’t set up the tent properly, it collapsed on them as they slept.

Assignment due Thursday
1. Draw a gileon fruit basket of the whole book that you read first (10 traits)
2. Draw a Flow chart on the whole book you read first (7 boxes)
3. Rewrite the following paragraph in either 1st or 3rd person
      Out of Darkness – pg. 17 “louis’s mother and father…” first person 
      Orphan Train Rider – pg. 27-28 “He recalls how excited he felt…” and “Then he heard someone…”
      Small Steps – pg. 24-25 “I said nothing…” and “this move was bad news…”

Performance Task Test on Wednesday
Skill Knowledge and Vocabulary test Thursday

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